
themes for grid

At first I could not figure out what i wanted to have at themes so I decided to mix it up a little bit. I chose this theme because I love to play basketball.I chose this theme because I love family.

I chose this theme because that is me and my girl.

I chose this theme because it reminds me of the good days I had my first year in college.

I chose this theme because this is my fraternity Tau Kappa Epsilon.

sketches – I am not good at drawing but I did try.

my progress

I pick this picture because it had a lot of different colors and I thought it would come out better with a grid theme. I started messing around with every other square in the picture. I put the grid on so I know where I’m going to do work. Some of things that I did on the squares was put satin in them, blend and contour, and add some glow.

In this picture

the final piece

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